B Cure Laser and Good Energies Ltd. are not a medical organization and any information displayed is not intended as diagnosis or medical advice. The medical information is provided for general information, educational purposes and as an overview of the intended use of our device, and should not be regarded as medical advice, diagnosis or substitute for professional advice. The results from using our devices may vary between different individuals due to differences in medical history, genetics, age, gender and other factors. Further, you should always consult your physician or a qualified health care practitioner before using our devices. The use of the device and reliance on the information provided herein is at your own risk.
The warranty covers defective parts and labour. The warranty does not cover the batteries, and the charger. In the unlikely event of a fault, please contact customer service.
Certainly. You can finish treating your knee, and move to your neck, and then if required, treat a burn on your hand. There is no limit to the number of treatments, and the treatment can be lengthened to a quarter of an hour on one particular spot. We recommend thoroughly treating one spot, and then moving on to the next, but you can certainly treat a number of locations simultaneously.
The directive is intended to prevent the increase of pain, in cases where inflammation has developed. If, after a one-and-a-half-minute treatment, no increase of pain is felt, it is recommended, for the following treatment, to go up to the full treatment protocol of six minutes, twice a day. If pain is felt, then the length of the treatment should be increased gradually, by approximately one additional minute per day, for each spot to be treated, until the full duration is reached.
In case of acute pain, it is recommended that you wait five minutes between each treatment, and to apply treatment as many times as possible. For the treatment of long-term pain, it is recommended to conduct two or three treatments every day, and then more if it suits the patient. There is no such thing as an overdose.
One has to place the device not through clothing, bandage, etc., except on open wounds, which should be treated from a distance of approximately 1cm from the area to be treated, in order to maintain hygiene. It is important not to press the device too strongly against the skin, as it will stop working. The B-Cure Laser should be placed lightly and motionless at a perpendicular angle to the direction of the area to be treated.
When the battery’s power is low, the black line above the two right-hand digits on the display shortens. Furthermore, the batteries should be replaced once every 12-18 months. It is important to make sure that they are AAA chargeable batteries!
B-Cure Laser is designed to work for many years. It is desirable to replace the three rechargeable batteries (AAA) after about 18 months. The diode (the component that provides the laser beam), should work for up to 1,000 hours of continuous use. In the event of malfunction, please contact customer service. The B-Cure Laser has a one year warranty for our Classic, and two years warranty for our Pro model
B-Cure Laser not only alleviates pain but may address the root cause in many instances. This device offers effective adjuvant treatment for both acute and chronic pain, addressing conditions like rheumatism in the knees, neck, lower back, upper back. It provides relief for orthopaedic issues such as osteoarthritis, muscle pain, sprains, and tendonitis. In dermatology, it works on hard-to-heal sores, including diabetic sores.
B-Cure Laser works with technology, proven in medicine. B-Cure Laser is a Class 2a medical device marked CE 0197, cleared by Health Canada and ANVISA approval, and the LLLT technology itself is FDA cleared (the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration). As of today, B-Cure Laser is on sale in more than 20 countries. B-Cure Laser is used by pain clinics, senior physicians in major hospitals and leading physiotherapists in the field.
B-Cure Laser treatment is safe for daily use with no side effects and is suitable for all ages, from children to elderly people. It’s non-invasive and pain-free. No contraindications exist with medication, high blood pressure, heart problems, pacemakers, vertebral plates, or joint implants. In cases of severe inflammation, there may be increased joint sensitivity during treatment, gradually fading as inflammation subsides in a few days. For inflammation, start treatment gradually (refer to User Guide). Begin with 1½ minutes on each location on the first day, adding one minute daily until reaching the desired protocol of six minutes, twice daily.
Clinical studies confirm the positive impact of low-level laser technology on pain, orthopaedic conditions, inflammation, sports injuries and wounds. More than 2000 publications, including 100+ double-blind studies, support the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy. Indeed, B-Cure Laser’s efficacy in treating pain and wounds is confirmed in five double-blind clinical trials, with five more trials underway. A successful clinical trial, involving 90 patients, demonstrated that B-Cure Laser’s efficacy is comparable to pain relief medication.
Some doctors in the field actively endorse the innovative B-Cure Laser and/or its underlying technology. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) technology has been in use for over 50 years across various medical fields. While certain orthopaedic surgeons and physiotherapists may favour “traditional” methods, not all patients find oral or injected medications, physiotherapy and surgery suitable. With B-Cure Laser, you take control of your treatment.
You might observe improvement within three days to three weeks, which varies among individuals and depends on the severity of the issue. Positive responses frequently manifest in the initial days, although conditions like inflammation may necessitate additional time. Improvement typically starts after the initial or second treatment. For the best results, apply 6–8 minutes on each treatment point, twice daily. Your B-Cure Laser device’s included user guide furnishes precise instructions for each treatment type.
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